Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I spent a good portion of yesterday trying to get in touch with the many friends that I have in New Orleans and the surrounding areas. Today, I spoke with a couple who had moved to Austin last year and they told me they had spoken to many of the people I was concerned about as they called to tell them they were safe, but many they had not heard from. The stories that I'm hearing (and maybe you have heard some of them too) is that the situation in the New Orleans area around Lake Ponchartrain, southern Mississippi and Alabama is approaching desperate. When storms like Katrina roll in from the gulf and across the country, most times I say a prayer, maybe - but mostly I brush it off, feeling that there are people in place to help with the emergency.

This time the situation is much closer to my heart because quite a few people that I know and love are missing right now. Some may have perished; many of them I'm sure are safe in a motel somewhere. But when the water finally recedes, they will find they have no home to go back to - and probably no job. They are living on what they had time to put in their car and what little they have in the bank. All the rest is gone!

I wanna help somehow; maybe you would too. Please do. And if you don't have another way to do it, please join with me through auspices of Living Faith Covenant Church. We are collecting money for a truckload of drinking water and gas powered generators that can be used until the water and electric can be restored in the New Orleans area - and perhaps some other more basic needs as we become aware of them.

Please help. If you can donate online, goto:

Click on the "Donate" button under "Your Freewill Contribution"

If you cannot do it online, please make out a check or money order to Living Faith Covenant Church, and put "Katrina" in the for line; and send to:

Living Faith Covenant Church
Katrina Relief Fund
P.O. Box 192691
Dallas, Texas 75219-2691

All gifts are tax deductible and a record of your donation will be kept and accounted for, for tax purposes.

Thanks for any help you can provide during this crisis.

May God bless you.


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